Source code for flask_via.routers.default

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


A set of flask specific router classes to be used when defining routes.


.. sourcecode:: python

    from flask.ext.via.routes.flask import Basic, Pluggable
    from yourapp.views import BarView, foo_view

    routes = [
        Basic('/foo', 'foo', foo_view),
        Pluggable('/bar', BarView, 'bar'),


from flask import Blueprint as FlaskBlueprint
from flask_via import RoutesImporter
from flask_via.routers import BaseRouter

[docs]class Functional(BaseRouter): """ A basic Flask router, used for the most basic form of flask routes, namely functionally based views which would normally use the ``@route`` decorator. .. versionadded:: 2014.05.19 Example ------- .. sourcecode:: python from flask.ext.via.routes import default from yourapp.views import foo_view, bar_view routes = [ default.Functional('/foo', 'foo', foo_view), default.Functional('/bar', 'bar', bar_view), ] """
[docs] def __init__(self, url, func, endpoint=None): """ Basic router constructor, stores passed arguments on the instance. Arguments --------- url : str The url to use for the route func : function The view function to connect the route with Keyword Arguments ----------------- endpoint : str, optional Optional endpoint string, by default flask will use the view function name as the endpoint name, use this argument to change the endpoint name. """ self.url = url self.func = func self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] def add_to_app(self, app, **kwargs): """ Adds the url route to the flask application object.mro .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.08 * ``url_prefix`` can now be prefixed if present in kwargs .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.19 * ``endpoint`` can now be prefixed if present in kwargs Arguments --------- app : Flask application instance \*\*kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to ``init_app`` """ url = self.url endpoint = self.endpoint #: If this route was included a url preifx may have been passed #: to the route if 'url_prefix' in kwargs: url = kwargs['url_prefix'] + url #: If this route was included a endpoint prefix may have been passed #: to the route if 'endpoint' in kwargs: if endpoint is None: endpoint = self.func.__name__ endpoint = kwargs['endpoint'] + endpoint try: app.add_url_rule(url, endpoint, self.func) except AssertionError: # TODO: Log / Warn pass
[docs]class Basic(Functional): """ This is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use :class:`.Functional`. .. versionadded:: 2014.05.06 .. deprecated:: 2014.05.19 """
[docs]class Pluggable(BaseRouter): """ Pluggable View router class, allows Flask pluggable view routes to be added to the flask application. .. versionadded:: 2014.05.06 Example ------- .. sourcecode:: python from flask.ext.via.routers import flask from flask.views import MethodView class FooView(MethodView): def get(self): return 'foo view' class BarView(MethodView): def get(self): return 'bar view' routes = [ flask.Pluggable('/', FooView, 'foo') flask.Pluggable('/', BarView, 'bar') ] """
[docs] def __init__(self, url, view, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Pluggable router constructor, stores passed arguments on instance. .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.19 * Added ``view`` argument * Added ``endpoint`` argument Arguments --------- url : str The url to use for the route view : class The Flask pluggable view class, for example: * :class:`flask.views.View` * :class:`flask.views.MethodView` endpoint : str The Flask endpoint name for the view, this is required for Flask pluggable views. \*\*kwargs : Arbitrary keyword arguments for ``add_url_rule`` """ self.url = url self.view = view self.endpoint = endpoint self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def add_to_app(self, app, **kwargs): """ Adds the url route to the flask application object. .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.19 Updated ``add_url_rule`` to support endpoint prefixing and support new way of defining Pluggable views Arguments --------- app : Flask application instance \*\*kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to ``init_app`` """ url = self.url endpoint = self.endpoint #: If this route was included a url preifx may have been passed #: to the route if 'url_prefix' in kwargs: url = kwargs['url_prefix'] + url #: If this route was included a endpoint prefix may have been passed #: to the route if 'endpoint' in kwargs: endpoint = kwargs['endpoint'] + endpoint try: app.add_url_rule( url, view_func=self.view.as_view(endpoint), **self.kwargs) except AssertionError: # TODO: Log / Warn pass
[docs]class Blueprint(BaseRouter, RoutesImporter): """ Registers a flask blueprint and registers routes to that blueprint, similar to :py:class:`flask_via.routers.Include`. .. versionadded:: 2014.05.06 Example ------- **Auto creates Blueprint instance*** .. sourcecode:: python from flask.ext.via.routers import default routes = [ default.Blueprint('foo', '') ] **Pass existing Blueprint instance*** .. sourcecode:: python from flask import Blueprint from flask.ext.via.routers import default blueprint = Blueprint('foo', __name__) routes = [ default.Blueprint(blueprint) ] """
[docs] def __init__( self, name_or_instance, module=None, routes_module_name='routes', routes_name=None, static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None, url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None): """ Constructor for blueprint router. .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.19 * Replaced ``name`` with ``name_or_instance`` argument which allows the router to take an already instantiated blueprint instance. * ``module`` argument optional when instance is passed as the first argument * ``routes_name`` keyword argument default value set to ``None`` Arguments --------- name : str, flask.blueprints.Blueprint Blueprint name or a Blueprint class instance Keyword Arguments ----------------- module : str Python dotted path to the blueprint module routes_module_name : str, optional The module ``Flask-Via`` will look for within the blueprint module which contains the routes, defaults to ``routes`` routes_name : str, optional Name of the variable holding the routes in the module, defaults to ``None`` static_folder : str, optional Path to static files for blueprint, defaults to ``None`` static_url_path : str, optional URL path for blueprint static files, defaults to ``None`` template_folder : str, optional Templates folder name, defaults to ``None`` url_prefix : str, optional URL prefix for routes served within the blueprint, defaults to ``None`` subdomain : str, optional Sub domain for blueprint, defaults to ``None`` url_defaults : function, optional Callback function for URL defaults for this blueprint. It's called with the endpoint and values and should update the values passed in place, defaults to ``None``. """ if isinstance(name_or_instance, FlaskBlueprint): self.instance = name_or_instance self.endpoint = self.module = self.instance.import_name else: self.endpoint = name_or_instance self.module = module self.routes_module_name = routes_module_name self.routes_name = routes_name self.static_folder = static_folder self.static_url_path = static_url_path self.template_folder = template_folder self.url_prefix = url_prefix self.subdomain = subdomain self.url_defaults = url_defaults
[docs] def routes_module(self): """ Generates the routes module path, this is built from ``self.module`` and ``self.routes_module_name``. Returns ------- str Python dotted path to the routes module containing routes. """ return '{0}.{1}'.format(self.module, self.routes_module_name)
[docs] def blueprint(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a Flask Blueprint instance, either one provided or created here. .. versionchanged:: 2014.05.19 * Renamed method from ``create_blueprint`` to ``blueprint`` * If ``instance`` attribute exists, use this is as the blueprint else create the blueprint. * Support for endpoint prefixing Returns ------- flask.blueprints.Blueprint An instantiated Flask Blueprint instance """ try: blueprint = self.instance except AttributeError: #: If this route was included a url preifx may have been passed #: to the route if 'url_prefix' in kwargs: url_prefix = self.url_prefix or '' self.url_prefix = kwargs['url_prefix'] + url_prefix #: If this route was included a endpoint prefix may have been #: passed to the route if 'endpoint' in kwargs: endpoint = self.endpoint or '' self.endpoint = kwargs['endpoint'] + endpoint blueprint = FlaskBlueprint( self.endpoint, self.module, static_folder=self.static_folder, static_url_path=self.static_url_path, template_folder=self.template_folder, url_prefix=self.url_prefix, subdomain=self.subdomain, url_defaults=self.url_defaults) return blueprint
[docs] def add_to_app(self, app, **kwargs): """ Creates a Flask blueprint and registers routes with that blueprint, this means any routes defined will be added to the blueprint rather than the application. Arguments --------- app : Flask application instance \*\*kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to ``init_app`` """ # Register blueproiint blueprint = self.blueprint(**kwargs) # Routes name can be configured by setting VIA_ROUTES_NAME if not self.routes_name: self.routes_name = app.config.get('VIA_ROUTES_NAME', 'routes') # Get the routes routes = self.include(self.routes_module, self.routes_name) # Load the routes self.load(blueprint, routes) # Register the blueprint with the application app.register_blueprint(blueprint)

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