Quickstart ========== Installation ------------ ``Flask-Via`` is simple to install, just use your favourite python package manage, for example ``pip``:: $ pip install Flask-Via Basic Application ----------------- Once we have installed ``Flask-Via`` we need to perform the following steps: 1. Create some view functions 2. Create a list of routes 3. Initialise :py:class:`flask_via.Via` and call :py:meth:`flask_via.Via.init_app` The following example code performs the above steps with key lines emphasised. .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10-13, 16 from flask import Flask from flask.ext.via import Via from flask.ext.via.routers.default import Basic app = Flask(__name__) def foo(bar=None): return 'Foo View!' routes = [ Basic('/foo', foo), Basic('/foo/', foo, endpoint='foo2'), ] via = Via() via.init_app(app, route_module='path.to.here') if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True) Lines ``10-13`` show how routes are defined in a list using the basic flask router class (:py:class:`flask_via.routers.default.Basic`). Line ``16`` shows how we ``Flask-Via`` looks for where routes are defined, this can be set as we have done above or using the ``VIA_ROUTES_MODULE`` application configuration variable.