
class flask_via.RoutesImporter[source]

Bases: object

Handles the import of routes module and obtaining a list of routes from that module as well as loading each route onto the application

include(routes_module, routes_name)[source]

Imports a routes module and gets the routes from within that module and returns them.

  • routes_module (str) – Python dotted path to routes module
  • routes_name (str) – Module attribute name to use when attempted to get the routes

List of routes in the module

Return type:


load(app, routes, **kwargs)[source]

Loads passed routes onto the application by calling each routes add_to_app method which must be implemented by the route class.

class flask_via.Via[source]

Bases: flask_via.RoutesImporter

The core class which kicks off the whole registration processes.


from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.via import Via
from flask.ext.via.routers.flask import Basic

app = Flask(__name__)

def foo(bar=None):
    return 'Foo View!'

routes = [
    Basic('/foo', foo),
    Basic('/foo/<bar>', foo, endpoint='foo2'),

via = Via()
via.init_app(app, routes_module='path.to.here')

if __name__ == "__main__":
init_app(app, routes_module=None, routes_name='routes', **kwargs)[source]

Initialises Flask extension. Bootstraps the automatic route registration process.


app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance

Keyword Arguments:
  • route_module (str, optional) – Python dotted path to where routes are defined, defaults to None
  • routes_name (str, optional) – Within the routes module look for a variable of this name, defaults to routes
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to add_url_rule
  • ImportError – If the route module cannot be imported
  • AttributeError – If routes do not exist in the moduke
  • NotImplementedError – If VIA_ROUTE_MODULE is not configured in appluication config and route_module keyword argument has not been provided.


Base router classes and utilities.

class flask_via.routers.BaseRouter[source]

Bases: object

Base router class all routers should inherit from providing common router functionality.


from flask.ext.via.routers import BaseRouter

class MyRouter(BaseRouter):

    def __init__(self, arg):

    def add_to_app(self, app):

Constructor should be overridden to accept specific arguments for the router.

Raises:NotImplementedError – If method not implemented

Method all routers require, which handles adding the route to the application instance.

Raises:NotImplementedError – If method not implemented
class flask_via.routers.Include(routes_module, routes_name='routes')[source]

Bases: flask_via.routers.BaseRouter, flask_via.RoutesImporter

Adds the ability to include routes from other modules, this can be handy when you want to break out your routes into separate files for sanity.


This is not a implementation of Flask blueprints

__init__(routes_module, routes_name='routes')[source]

Constructor for Include router, taking the passed arguments and storing them on the instance.

Parameters:routes_module (str) – Python dotted path to the routes module
Keyword Arguments:
 routes_name (str (optional)) – Name of the variable holding the routes in the module, defaults to routes
add_to_app(app, **kwargs)[source]

Instead of adding a route to the flask application this will include and load routes similar, same as in the flask_via.Via class.abs

  • app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to init_app


A set of flask specific router classes to be used when defining routes.


from flask.ext.via.routes.flask import Basic, Pluggable
from yourapp.views import BarView, foo_view

routes = [
    Basic('/foo', 'foo', foo_view),
    Pluggable('/bar', view_func=BarView.as_view('bar')),
class flask_via.routers.default.Basic(url, func, endpoint=None)[source]

Bases: flask_via.routers.BaseRouter

A basic Flask router, used for the most basic form of flask routes, namely functionally based views which would normally use the @route decorator.


from flask.ext.via.routes import flask
from yourapp.views import foo_view, bar_view

routes = [
    Basic('/foo', 'foo', foo_view),
    Basic('/bar', 'bar', bar_view),
__init__(url, func, endpoint=None)[source]

Basic router constructor, stores passed arguments on the instance.

  • url (str) – The url to use for the route
  • func (function) – The view function to connect the route with
Keyword Arguments:

endpoint (str, optional) – Optional endpoint string, by default flask will use the view function name as the endpoint name, use this argument to change the endpoint name.

add_to_app(app, **kwargs)[source]

Adds the url route to the flask application object.mro

  • app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to init_app
class flask_via.routers.default.Blueprint(name, module, routes_module_name='routes', routes_name='routes', static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None, url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None)[source]

Bases: flask_via.routers.BaseRouter, flask_via.RoutesImporter

Registers a flask blueprint and registers routes to that blueprint, similar to flask_via.routes.Include.


from flask.ext.via.routers import default

routes = [
    default.blueprint('foo', 'flask_via.examples.blueprints.foo')
__init__(name, module, routes_module_name='routes', routes_name='routes', static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None, url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None)[source]

Constructor for blueprint router.

  • name (str) – Blueprint name
  • module (str) – Python dotted path to the blueprint module, not the routes module
Keyword Arguments:
  • routes_module_name (str, optional) – The module Flask-Via will look for within the blueprint module which contains the routes, defaults to routes
  • routes_name (str, optional) – Name of the variable holding the routes in the module, defaults to routes
  • static_folder (str, optional) – Path to static files for blueprint, defaults to None
  • static_url_path (str, optional) – URL path for blueprint static files, defaults to None
  • template_folder (str, optional) – Templates folder name, defaults to None
  • url_prefix (str, optional) – URL prefix for routes served within the blueprint, defaults to None
  • subdomain (str, optional) – Sub domain for blueprint, defaults to None
  • url_defaults (function, optional) – Callback function for URL defaults for this blueprint. It’s called with the endpoint and values and should update the values passed in place, defaults to None.
add_to_app(app, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a Flask blueprint and registers routes with that blueprint, this means any routes defined will be added to the blueprint rather than the application.

  • app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to init_app

Creates a flask blueprint instance.


Generates the routes module path, this is built from self.module and self.routes_module_name.

Returns:Python dotted path to the routes module containing routes.
Return type:str
class flask_via.routers.default.Pluggable(url, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flask_via.routers.BaseRouter

Pluggable View router class, allows Flask pluggable view routes to be added to the flask application.


from flask.ext.via.routers import flask
from flask.views import MethodView

class FooView(MethodView):
    def get(self):
        return 'foo view'

class BarView(MethodView):
    def get(self):
        return 'bar view'

routes = [
    flask.Pluggable('/', view_func=FooView.as_view('foo'))
    flask.Pluggable('/', view_func=BarView.as_view('bar'))
__init__(url, **kwargs)[source]

Pluggable router constructor, stores passed arguments on instance.

  • url (str) – The url to use for the route
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to add_url_rule
add_to_app(app, **kwargs)[source]

Adds the url route to the flask application object.

  • app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance
  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed in to init_app


Routers for the Flask-Restful framework.

class flask_via.routers.restful.Resource(url, resource, endpoint=None)[source]

Bases: flask_via.routers.BaseRouter

The Resource router allows you to define Flask-Restful routes and have those API resources added to the application automatically. For this to work you must at init_app time pass a optional keyword argument restful_api to init_app with its value being the restful api extension instance.


app = Flask(__name__)
api = restful.Api(app)

class FooResource(restful.Resource):

    def get(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}

routes = [
    Resource('/foo', FooResource)

via = Via()

if __name__ == '__main__':
__init__(url, resource, endpoint=None)[source]

Constructor for flask restful resource router.

  • url (str) – The url to use for the route
  • resource – A flask restful.Resource resource class
Keyword Arguments:

endpoint (str, optional) – Optional, override Flask-Restful automatic endpoint naming

add_to_app(app, restful_api=None)[source]

Adds the restul api resource route to the application.

Parameters:app (flask.app.Flask) – Flask application instance, this is ignored.
Keyword Arguments:
 restful_api (str) – Instantiated restful API instace, used to add the route.
Raises:NotImplementedError – If restful_api is not provided


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