Including ========= Sometimes you don't want to define all your routes in one place, you want to be modular right!? You can do that too with ``Flask-Via``. Include Router -------------- The most basic way of including other routes is to use the :py:class:`flask_via.routers.Include` router. This is not a intended replacement or implementation of Flask blueprints, just a simple way of putting routes somewhere else in your application. **Arguments**: * ``routes_module``: Python dotted path to the route module as a string. **Keyword Arguments**: * ``routes_name``: (Optional) If you have not called the list of routes in the moduke ``routes`` you can set that here, for example ``urls``. Example ~~~~~~~ Assume the following application structure:: /path/to/foo - bar/ - - - - - In the top level ```` we would have:: from flask.ext.via.routers import Include routes = [ Include('') ] In the ``foo.routes`` we would have:: from flask.ext.via.routes import default from import some_view routes = [ default.Basic('/bar', some_view) ] You can see this in action with the `Small Application Example `_. Blueprint Router ---------------- Flask Blueprints are also supported allowing ``Flask-Via`` to automatically register blueprints on the application and routes on the blueprint, this is provided by the :py:class:`flask_via.routers.default.Blueprint` router. **Arguments**: * ``name`` : Blueprint name * ``module``: Python module path to blueprint module **Keyword Arguments**: * ``routes_module_name``: The module ``Flask-Via`` will look for within the blueprint module which contains the routes, defaults to ``routes`` * ``routes_name``: If you have not called the list of routes in the module ``routes`` you can set that here, for example ``urls``. * ``static_folder``: Path to static files for blueprint, defaults to ``None`` * ``static_url_path``: URL path for blueprint static files, defaults to ``None`` * ``template_folder``: Templates folder name, defaults to ``None`` * ``url_prefix``: URL prefix for routes served within the blueprint, defaults to ``None`` * ``subdomain`` : Sub domain for blueprint, defaults to ``None`` * ``url_defaults``: Callback function for URL defaults for this blueprint. It's called with the endpoint and values and should update the values passed in place, defaults to ``None``. Example ~~~~~~~ Let us assume we have the following application structure:: /path/to/foo - bar/ - templates/ - foo.html - - - - - In the above structure ``bar`` is a Flask blueprint which we wish to add to our flask application, so our top level routes would look like this:: from flask.ext.via.routers.default import Blueprint routes = [ Blueprint('bar', '', template_folder='templates') ] You will note we give the blueprint a name and pass the top level module path to the blueprint rather than a path to the routes file. In our blueprints views we can define routes as normal:: from flask.ext.via.routes import default from import some_view routes = [ default.Basic('/bar', some_view) ] .. note:: All routes will be added to the blueprint rather than the flask application, this applies to any routes included using the ``Include`` router.